Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Who is responsible For corruption in Pakistan?

By:-Muhammad Ameen Asif  
    In Pakistan, corruption is not considered a crime, not even minor.It the only industry in Pakistan that is expanding day and night. It is even not  a matter of shame for anyone but it has become a matter of honor now a days.It suits to all Govt. representatives, Officials and other govt employees.It is curse for only a common man in Pakistan otherwise it has become blessing for others.It is blessing for officials  and no legal restriction practically on it. In last  few decades, according to Amnesty International corruption of  240 billions per day is being done by the Govt Ministers, officials and other govt. employees  But there is not even a single case I have seen in which corrupt are penalized really.

Even in previous Govt . Amin Faheem was proven guilty in  NICL corruption case. money was recovered from him but even then he remained Senior minister of pakistan.  Ex prime minister Gilaani and his sons , Raja pervaiz ashraf and thier king  MQM  Altaf Hussain and his party and much more  ...... No punishment  for anyone.

    yesterday ex Railway Minister of china was given death punishment on being guilty of corruption.
When I visit any govt office i see  there is is no discrimination between Hallal and Haraam. Every one is indulged in looting people and also govt. funds  with booth hands. Every Pakistani  is very much clear and see such type of looting every day. Starting from a patwari , clerk, Police constable , meter reader of WAPDA and Sui gas to top level officials. can a country progress in such situation? this is the question.
The answer in certainly not.Nation will smashed in crises which is likely to be now.

WHO is Responsible?

      All politicians sitting in Senate, National and provincial assemblies are responsible for it because they are not passing any law which give severe punishment for corrupt people like in china. Perhaps  they are saving their side as they they have to  start it themselves.
How Corruption can be eliminated? 
      After  MNA' Senators, MPAs the department responsible for expansion of corruption in Pakistani Police ( Including NAB, anti-corruption etc), then other departments like Health, admin, Education, railway etc.......
 Police is playing main role because they have to give proves, Investigate the matters and follow the case in courts which they will never do until police reforms are not done. Police reforms that have been put in practice so far will never  be fruitful . I suggest only  four measures  that will bring real change in society
otherwise a common man will come forward to implement other ways.
1.All Police Training Institutes should Run  under Military

      All police training institutes should be manned by Military including  educations or  Physical  Training. bribery starts from these institutes when trainees have to pay for relaxation and leave to the concerning authorities. This is fact but all institutes heads will not admit this evil.
 After training the persons should be handed over to police Department and should come on police role. Ethical Science should be included in their syllabus and scientific interrogation methods should be taught. they should be held responsible for wrong reporting any time.

2- Police Messing should be compulsory

         Their messing should be compulsory  all the police person should dine in their messes three times. they should  be provided meal  on their duty spots also.Meal should be provided on their duty spots if they are on active field duty.Ration money should be deducted from their salaries. There should be no option to get food at their  own otherwise we all know how they manage their food. They are not habitual of purchasing meal from their salaries. Because according to most of the police persons, salaries are not given for this purpose.

3-Duty Hours and leaves schedule should be amended in current police act

    Police Act 1861  should be amended  according to needs of a sovereign country as Pakistani police is not colonial police now. They should be be given right of leave and other personnel benefits like military personnel.As this leads to corruption within police  Department and low ranks are exploited and they have to pay for their personal needs (leave , duty adjustments etc.) to their senior police officials.

4- Govt Of Pakistan should make amendment in Law to treat this crime as serious as Murder

        If someone in govt official is corrupt , it is not considered a crime now a days because its this crime is not taken as serious as it should be. china and Saudi Arabia are good examples for this.Example of civilized and developed countries should be adopted in this regard. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

HAZRAT SULTAN BAHOO (Rahmat u Allah Alaih)

By;- Muhammad Ameen Asif
Great People have  Great thoughts
Hazrat Sultan Bahu (Rahmat u Allah Allah),  a great saint and sufi was born in Shorekot town of Punjab Province in Pakistan now a days , in 1629 A.D. He was Hashmi (awaan) by tribe, great Mughal king Shah Jahan was ruling India at those times.  After partition of India in 1947, this area became part of Pakistan. He was a great saint and spiritual teacher . He wrote about 140 books in Persian. He also wrote poetry in Punjabi language known as Kalaam e Bahoo(.Alif ALLAH chambaiy di booti .) .He lived very simple and poise life.He left this world in 1691 A.D.. His tomb is in shorekot District Jhang of Punjab province . his poetry is so beautiful, impressive and longer lasting. He guided the  humanity towards the right path through his poetry. Her are few glimpses of his Punjabi poetry.

Alif allah Chanbay di booti man wich murshad lae hooo
Nafi asbaat da paani milyas har ragay harjayee hooo
Andhar booti shor machaya jan phulan tay ayee hooo
jeeway murshad kaamil  bahu jain ay booti laaye hooo

Almighty Allah has created  a fragrant love tree   in my heart for  Creator of  the Universe. This flower tree was watered by my unconscious  by saying some time ' yes' and some time  " no"  and my all  veins  made so fragrant that  I can ever imagine
This love is so longer lasting and fragrant that I always remain meditated in HIS love and always pray for my murshad (spirtaul teacher) for this unforgettable gift.
The flower below is called chamba in punjabi ( Love tree that is mentioned in this verse) . This flower gives very nice fragrance
Chamba or chambaily flowers

Ae tan mera chashma howe tay main murshad vaikh na rajjan hooo
loon loon day mud lakh lakh chashma ik kholan ik kajan hooo

 If my whole body will  become eyes, I'll keep on watching my Murshad (spiritual teacher) and never be tired because I am so anxious to see him

 tasbee phiree tay dil na phirya ,ki laina tasbee pharr kay hooo
Ilam parrya tay adab na sikhya ki laina ilan noon parr kay hooo
cillay kattay tay kujh na khatya ki laine chillyan warr kay hooo
Jaag bina dudh jamday na bahoo bhaween laal howan karr karr kay hooo
If you are taking names of almighty Allah by just tongue and rotating your rosary beeds, it is all in vain if heart is not tilted really towards the better. If anyone acquired knowledge by reading scripture only, it is of no use if someone not submitted himself/herself to the mandate(Will to almighty Allah) . such type of knowledge gives nothing to any one.
If some one secluded or meditated for many day , there is no use of that worship if someone really not accepted good from your heart and worked for betterment.
the milk may be boiled for hours but it'll not yield  the essence until  it is not cultured.

Shaala musaafir  koi na musaafir theeway kakh jinnan theen bharay hooo
taarry maar udda na bahoo ,aseen aapay uddan haaray hooo
No one may be forced to leave ones home,as migrated becomes a person having no value and weightage. I am myself going to fly  (going to leave your area) don not Clap ( cite )me to do so.

Dil darya samundroon doongay koan dilan diyan janay hooo
Wichay bharray ,whichay chairray , wichay wanaj mahanay hooo
chuadhan tabaq dil e day andar tamboo wangan taanay hooo
jo dil da mahramm howay bahoo , soyo ramaz phuchhanay hooo

Depth of heart is like oceans , no one knows what is in it,  business,social and all types of matters are hidden in it .someones secrets are hidden in fourteen layers like tents over and over. Only that  knows these secrets who lives in the heart of anyone.

Tamboo or tent

jay kar deen ilam wich hoonda  taan sir naizay kion charr day hooo
athara hazaar jo alim aaha oo aggay Husain(R.A) dey mar day hooo
jay kujh malahiza Sarwar(P.B.U.H.) da kar dey taan khaimay tamboo kion sarr dey hooo
jay kar man dey biat rasooli taan paani band kion kar dey hooo
Pir sadique deen tinnah da Bahoo jo sir qurbaani kar dey hooo

In these verse he cites the tragic event of Hazrat Hussein (R.A) when he was slaughtered  martyred) by Yazeedi army in Karballa (Iraq) in 680 A.D.(61 H). if religion survives only due to education then why Hazrat Hussein ibn e Ali (R.A) and his companions were slaughtered  ( martyred) and their chopped  head was raised on  Javelin (pilum).There were eighteen thousand Islamic scholars at that times, they would have to die before Hazrat Hussein (R.A.).If the army of Yazeed follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)  why they burnt the tamboo(Tents) and restricted  water of the river Fraat upon Hazrat Hussein , his companions and his  family. Ishiq (true love) not only needs  knowledge  but it demands great sacrifices.Those who really love Almighty Allah  give every sacrifice for truth.They are  never reluctant either  their heads should be chopped off.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


By :-Muhammad Amin Asif
Education is as important for a society as blood for the human body.The societies those made progress in all fields of life are due to knowledge and education.When barbaric tribes of Arab became civilized and exemplary society of those times ruling almost many important parts of the world and ruined the so called super powers of that time  (IRAN AND ROME) .That was because of  arrival of the  best teacher of the universe, the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) who educated the barbaric tribal  people of  Arabia by the order of Almighty Allah through revelation and made them most civilized. Almighty Allah  made obligation for every men and women to get education and meditate on the creation of the universe.
 In many verses of The Holy Quran , almighty Allah clearly says that the people having knowledge(literate)  and without knowledge(illiterate) are not equal.

      I am quoting two famous Hadiths of the Holy prophet (PBUH) below in this regard

" Seek the Knowledge whether you have to go china for it".
In another eve he (PBUH) said,
, "Seek the knowledge from cradle to grave'.
 seeking of knowledge is equally important for everyone without considering cast,colour, creed,sex, language and area where they are living.It is clear decisions of Almighty Allah and his prophets that the only way to live better life in this world and the world after doomsday is to gain knowledge about this world and the world  after doomsday. Knowledge is not only stuck to schools and colleges only but it can be gained anywhere through different means.The best way to seek Knowledge is through the holy books sent by Almighty Allah through the 124,000 messengers of God.The last revelation of Almighty Allah is the Holy Quran.
        Importance of education is admitted by every segment of society and by the people of everywhere. Here are few famous quotes of the famous people of the world regarding education.

"Education is the best provision for old age." Aristotle

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

"Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire." William B Yates 
 William B Yates

“Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities — that's training or instruction — but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed.” Thomas More 

"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't." Anatole France

"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." Herbert Spencer

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Derek Bok

The information is in the people, not in your head.” Edward T. Hall

“An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong.”” Edward T. Hall
“The mere imparting of information is not education.” Carter G. Woodson

“The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind.” Mason Cooley

"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten." B. F. Skinner

In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in all the information.” Anthony J. D'Angelo

“Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.” Clifford Stoll

“Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.” Samuel Johnson

“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgment, the manner in which information is collected and used” Dr. Carl Sagan

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Is Dr. Tahir ul Qadri on any Agenda

By:- Muhammad Amin Asif
Dr. Tahir ul Qadiri an Islamic scholar is basically from Jhang city of Punjab province. He was born in 1951. He belongs to a Punjabi'Sial' family. He started his early education in 'Sacred Heart School'  a christian school at Jhang City. Qadri studied Law from Punjab university Lahore in 1974 and started his career as LAWER. Then he  taught law at Punjab university Lahore from 1978 to 1983 and got Ph. D  in Islamic Law in 1986. He was appointed as Professor of Law in Punjab university where he taught Islamic , British and US law.He founded a Sufism based Islamic Organisation  Minhaaj ul Quran in 1981 .In 1986 , he inaugurated head office of his tehreek in Lahore. In 1989, he  announced a political party,  Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) headed by himself. He participated in National Elections and was elected MNA( Member of national assembly). Qadri announced his resignation as a Member of the National Assembly after tbout two years and asked the party workers not to take part in politics and just to run the  Institution  Minhaj ul Quran .He is very good speaker and can hold the audiences for hours.
          He traveled many countries and delivered his lectures there. He Shifted to Canada  seven years ago and he is having Dual citizenship of Canada as well as Pakistan.Recently he came back to Pakistan just before the National Elections in Pakistan going to held within next three four months and addressed a huge gathering of his followers in Lahore on 23 December 2012 and Launched a very strong protest against the ruling government and gave some demand which are to be fulfilled till 10th of January 2013 otherwise he will protest in Islamabad capital along with four million people. His other  demands are now back sided and main demand is to make  Pakistan army and Judiciary as negotiating parties to make Interim government before the national elections. He announced  long march to Islamabad on 14th January 2013 from all over the |Pakistan.This act is most burning and debatable issue now a days on media as well as in Pakistani society. One group of people say that Prof. Qadri has come back to Pakistan on foreign agenda while the other think he is back to create Law and order problem in Pakistan to prolong the present government's ruling period.No doubt  In Pakistan, ruling party has lost people's support due to corruption and other law and order problems.In next elections there is chance of PML(N) to win the next elections other parties are either local or not so favorite. just before elections ,such types of demands create lot of doubts that either establishment or present government is sporting and launching such law and order situation to keep PML(N) out of government. Interior Minister of Pakistan Rehman Malik met to prof. Qadri on 6th January 2013 and he announced in a press conference along with prof Qadri that he came to warn him of chance of terrorism but behind the scene what is going on? it is the Question.

           Let have a look at Opinions of political parties of Pakistan on this matter..

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
 Views of Pakistan peoples' Party are not clear and confusing they are opposing this march on media but  doubt goes to this party to prolong her tenure of government.Recent meeting of Rehman Malik with Prof. Qadri creates doubts in the minds of peoples of Pakistan as he never meets peoples on  ordinary matters.Statement are Doubtful l. I left it a question mark for the people of Pakistan.

Pakistan Muslim League PML(N)
         This party has clear instance on the issue that  demands of  Prof Qadri are not constitutional and it is  creating law and order situation in Pakistan  to derail the democracy. Mian Nawaz, Sharif chairmen of PML(N), clearly said that it is a conspiracy to stop the election process and Dr. qadri's demand are not legal and constitutional.
Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf (PTI)

         Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) is not in the parliament. It is new emerging party that was also blamed as party of establishment.Firstly they supported \Dr. Qadri now they are confused and changed their instance.Its looks clearly that they will not join this protest.
 Pakistan Muslim League (Q)
Pakistan Muslim league (Q) is collation partner of present government.Being government party she is supporting this long march.At first they announced to join the protest and long march then they changed their instance  Chaudhry Shujat chairmen of this party denied to join this protest in Media. But there is opinion that this party has given 5 million to Dr.Qadri as support of this long march.

 Mutahda Quami Movement (MQM)

 MQM is another  party which has very clear instance on this issue. This party announced to support Dr. Qadri on this Issue. This  is the party which also joined protest speech at Lahore on 23rd December 2012. They are sitting in government and are said pro establishment party.This is the party which is totally against PML(N).It is said that they are launching the movement to block the way of PML(N) in next elections. Chairman of this party Altaf Hussain is also British national but his party is stronger in Sindh Province specially in Karachi and Hyderabad.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam(F)

 JUI  party is  opposition party and having seats in parliament of Pakistan now . Maulana Fazl ur Rehman , Manchurian of JUI(F) strongly condemned this march and is of same opinion as PML(N).
 Jamat e Islami
Ameer e Jamat e Islami Seyyed Munawar Hussan having opinion close to PML(N).This party is against this long march and saying it as fraud to the nation.
Views of Dr. Abdul Qadeer

     Dr Abdul Qadeer , a Famous  nuclear Scientist of Pakistan, gave his views on media about this long march. He is of opinion that demands of Dr. Qadri are unconstitutional .First of all he should surrender the dual nationality then take part in coming elections to talk about the rights of peoples of Pakistan.Dr. Qadri is citizen of Canada and took oath of loyalty of Canada and talking about the Pakistani nation.He regarded these demands and long march as rubbish.

What is Your Opinion now?