Monday, February 11, 2013

HAZRAT SULTAN BAHOO (Rahmat u Allah Alaih)

By;- Muhammad Ameen Asif
Great People have  Great thoughts
Hazrat Sultan Bahu (Rahmat u Allah Allah),  a great saint and sufi was born in Shorekot town of Punjab Province in Pakistan now a days , in 1629 A.D. He was Hashmi (awaan) by tribe, great Mughal king Shah Jahan was ruling India at those times.  After partition of India in 1947, this area became part of Pakistan. He was a great saint and spiritual teacher . He wrote about 140 books in Persian. He also wrote poetry in Punjabi language known as Kalaam e Bahoo(.Alif ALLAH chambaiy di booti .) .He lived very simple and poise life.He left this world in 1691 A.D.. His tomb is in shorekot District Jhang of Punjab province . his poetry is so beautiful, impressive and longer lasting. He guided the  humanity towards the right path through his poetry. Her are few glimpses of his Punjabi poetry.

Alif allah Chanbay di booti man wich murshad lae hooo
Nafi asbaat da paani milyas har ragay harjayee hooo
Andhar booti shor machaya jan phulan tay ayee hooo
jeeway murshad kaamil  bahu jain ay booti laaye hooo

Almighty Allah has created  a fragrant love tree   in my heart for  Creator of  the Universe. This flower tree was watered by my unconscious  by saying some time ' yes' and some time  " no"  and my all  veins  made so fragrant that  I can ever imagine
This love is so longer lasting and fragrant that I always remain meditated in HIS love and always pray for my murshad (spirtaul teacher) for this unforgettable gift.
The flower below is called chamba in punjabi ( Love tree that is mentioned in this verse) . This flower gives very nice fragrance
Chamba or chambaily flowers

Ae tan mera chashma howe tay main murshad vaikh na rajjan hooo
loon loon day mud lakh lakh chashma ik kholan ik kajan hooo

 If my whole body will  become eyes, I'll keep on watching my Murshad (spiritual teacher) and never be tired because I am so anxious to see him

 tasbee phiree tay dil na phirya ,ki laina tasbee pharr kay hooo
Ilam parrya tay adab na sikhya ki laina ilan noon parr kay hooo
cillay kattay tay kujh na khatya ki laine chillyan warr kay hooo
Jaag bina dudh jamday na bahoo bhaween laal howan karr karr kay hooo
If you are taking names of almighty Allah by just tongue and rotating your rosary beeds, it is all in vain if heart is not tilted really towards the better. If anyone acquired knowledge by reading scripture only, it is of no use if someone not submitted himself/herself to the mandate(Will to almighty Allah) . such type of knowledge gives nothing to any one.
If some one secluded or meditated for many day , there is no use of that worship if someone really not accepted good from your heart and worked for betterment.
the milk may be boiled for hours but it'll not yield  the essence until  it is not cultured.

Shaala musaafir  koi na musaafir theeway kakh jinnan theen bharay hooo
taarry maar udda na bahoo ,aseen aapay uddan haaray hooo
No one may be forced to leave ones home,as migrated becomes a person having no value and weightage. I am myself going to fly  (going to leave your area) don not Clap ( cite )me to do so.

Dil darya samundroon doongay koan dilan diyan janay hooo
Wichay bharray ,whichay chairray , wichay wanaj mahanay hooo
chuadhan tabaq dil e day andar tamboo wangan taanay hooo
jo dil da mahramm howay bahoo , soyo ramaz phuchhanay hooo

Depth of heart is like oceans , no one knows what is in it,  business,social and all types of matters are hidden in it .someones secrets are hidden in fourteen layers like tents over and over. Only that  knows these secrets who lives in the heart of anyone.

Tamboo or tent

jay kar deen ilam wich hoonda  taan sir naizay kion charr day hooo
athara hazaar jo alim aaha oo aggay Husain(R.A) dey mar day hooo
jay kujh malahiza Sarwar(P.B.U.H.) da kar dey taan khaimay tamboo kion sarr dey hooo
jay kar man dey biat rasooli taan paani band kion kar dey hooo
Pir sadique deen tinnah da Bahoo jo sir qurbaani kar dey hooo

In these verse he cites the tragic event of Hazrat Hussein (R.A) when he was slaughtered  martyred) by Yazeedi army in Karballa (Iraq) in 680 A.D.(61 H). if religion survives only due to education then why Hazrat Hussein ibn e Ali (R.A) and his companions were slaughtered  ( martyred) and their chopped  head was raised on  Javelin (pilum).There were eighteen thousand Islamic scholars at that times, they would have to die before Hazrat Hussein (R.A.).If the army of Yazeed follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)  why they burnt the tamboo(Tents) and restricted  water of the river Fraat upon Hazrat Hussein , his companions and his  family. Ishiq (true love) not only needs  knowledge  but it demands great sacrifices.Those who really love Almighty Allah  give every sacrifice for truth.They are  never reluctant either  their heads should be chopped off.